
A cataract is a clouding of the lens that causes blurring and vision loss. It cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Cataract surgery is necessary to remove the clouding and restore proper vision.

It is a simple surgery that more than 80% of individuals above the age of 50 go through.

Typically, one or two weeks before the scheduled surgery, your eye specialist or surgeon will take the measurements of your eye to find the best sized artificial lens for you. Additionally, he or she might tell you not to eat or drink around 12 hours before the surgery.

It does not involve general anaesthesia. The doctor will administer local anaesthesia; the patient will remain conscious throughout the painless procedure.

How long does cataract surgery take?

At the best eye hospital in Delhi for cataract surgery, you can expect the surgery to be over in less than an hour. The doctor will remove the cataract, sometimes, with the help of a laser, and place the new artificial lens. The new lens can be plastic, acrylic, or silicone.

Do you need to stay overnight at the hospital for cataract surgery?

You do not need to stay at the hospital overnight for this surgery. People with cataracts in both eyes typically undergo two surgeries a couple of weeks apart.

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Choosing the best eye hospital in Delhi for cataract surgery minimizes the chances of side effects. Common side effects can include bleeding, swelling, drooping of an eyelid or a temporary increase in eye pressure.

How can you ensure a speedy recovery after cataract surgery?

As standard with any surgery, the eye might itch or feel sore a week from the surgery. Be careful not to scratch your eye or leave without protective eyewear in bright light. It would be best if you minimize exposure to blue light. Limit your screen time and follow the doctor’s instructions carefully.

For safe and timely recovery follow these instructions carefully for about a week –

  • ·  Do not drive immediately after surgery
  • ·  Do to bend or lift heavy weight after surgery
  • ·  Avoid sneezing and vomiting right after
  • ·  Avoid hot tubs, swimming and soaking in bathtubs to reduce chances of infections
  • ·  Do not jump or bump into objects. Walk carefully after surgery
  • ·  Do not expose your eye to dust, grime, wind, heat, cold and water
  • ·  Don’t rub your sight and be regular with the antibiotics prescribed by your doctor
  • ·  Avoid washing your hair for about a week if possible

The exact recovery time depends upon a patient’s health and adherence to the doctor’s instructions.

What discomforts can you experience immediately after surgery?

During the recovery period experiencing some blurriness or distortion in your vision can be common. Many people report seeing “wavy” during the period of adaptation to their new lenses. Getting bloodshot eyes is very common immediately after the procedure. These signs should dissipate with the daily use of anti-inflammatory and antibiotics the doctor gives you.

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Remember to follow-up with your eye doctor after your surgery. If any swelling, pain or itchiness persists days after the operation, be sure to consult your doctor.

Do cataract surgeries involve any complications?

Post-surgery complications are rare with cataract surgeries. If you follow the after-care instructions carefully and administer the eye drops your eye surgeon provides, you should be able to return to regular work within 7 to 10 days of your surgery.

Those with diabetes and other comorbid diseases need to be careful before and after surgery. Keeping your blood sugar and blood pressure level in control is ideal for cataract surgeries. Your doctor will ask you to stop taking anticoagulants or blood thinners before surgery, so mention every medication you are under to your doctor before the surgery.

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