
Ube Ice Cream: The star ingredient is ube (pronounced OO-BAE), a purple yam that can be mashed or pureed and incorporated into sweet treats. Think ube ice cream, pudding, frosting, doughnuts, even pop tarts.

If we placed a bowl of new, purple Trader Joe’s Ube Ice Cream in front of you, what flavor would you guess it is? Grape? Maybe blackberry? If you were to guess “Yam,” you’d be right!

Some might be surprised, but those familiar with Ube [OO-beh]—the name purple yams are known by in the Philippines—know that it’s a very popular flavor in jams, cakes, candies…and ice cream! It’s sweet & nutty-tasting, with hints of an almost coconut-like flavor; some liken it to a cross between vanilla & pistachio. We use real ube purée, and you can rest easy knowing that its purple hue is from naturally derived ingredients, like grape extract & beet juice.

Do you know what else is naturally derived? The pure joy you’ll experience as you devour your first scoop. We’re selling pints of this limited-edition indulgence for $2.99 each.

What Flavor Is Ube Ice Cream?

While ube is technically a tuber, just like a potato, its flavor is less savory. Ponseca describes the taste of the purple yam as an amalgamation of vanilla with the nuttiness of pistachio. But the flavor is quite gentle and not too intense.

Is Ube Sweet Potato?

The three main types of purple flesh sweet potatoes consumed in the U.S. are Stokes Purple® sweet potatoes, Okinawan sweet potatoes, and Ube (pronounced OO-beh). … (And no, a yam is not the same as a sweet potato either, but that’s a whole other story.)

Are Ube And Taro The Same?

Short and simple answer – no, they’re not the same. Elaborate answer: Ube, also known as purple yam, is a tuberous root vegetable. Taro is also a root vegetable known as gabi in the Philippines.

Where Is Ube Ice Cream From?

It’s sweet & nutty-tasting, with hints of an almost coconut-like flavor; some liken it to a cross between vanilla & pistachio. We use real ube purée, and you can rest easy knowing that its purple hue is from naturally derived ingredients, like grape extract & beet juice.
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